Firework displays at Christmas light switch ons are becoming more common place.
As well as the famous Regent St London Christmas lights on 9th November, town & cities up and down the country are using fireworks to signal the switch on for their Christmas lights.
Albert Square in Manchester hosted a spectacular display on 7th Nov. & the Edinburgh switch on being on Sunday 24th Nov. It’s all come along way from a man in a Father Christmas costume pushing a button. These day even the fireworks are just part of an evening’s celebrations. Celebrity appearances and top bands all go together to produce an evenings entertainment.
Thousands of people come to watch these spectacular switch on events so you need to ensure that you arrive in plenty of time to get a good view. Christmas seems to have been getting earlier and earlier and certainly November is the busy month for the Christmas light switch on, it’s certainly no rest for the firework display companies as they come hard on the heals of the Bonfire Night displays but you can combine some early Christmas shopping with a great evening out.
Town and city centre firework displays create many problems for firework display companies when producing their risk assessments. Areas may have to be cordoned off to ensure that the firework display can safely take place so check in advance where you can watch the display from.
If you have videos of your town/cities Christmas firework display that you have posted on youtube etc then please forward us the link in the comment box so that we can show them on this page.