There are maying changes currently taking place in Europe regarding fireworks. Importers of fireworks in to the UK are having to move over to having all of their products CE marked and tested. This has already opened up several issues.
Some of the questions raised are;
What kind of regulation should I fulfil to sell fireworks in the EU?
Which Certification Module should I choose, which one would be the most suitable for me?
How to plan in advance? Required time for testing and certification, planning in time prior to manufacturing or importing fireworks into the EU
The International Pyrotechnic Symposium in Budapest held over May 27th & 28th will discus issues such as the differences between the old 2007/23/EC and new 2013/29/EC directive as well as the role and legal status of the Notified Body in the validation of new directive.
This symposium is aimed at European importers helping them switch to the new regulations smoothly.
All the ‘new’ fireworks we at Jordans Fireworks will be introducing during 2014 will be CE marked and tested.