After the jaw dropping new years display in 2011/12 to welcome the Olympics, the attendance to the London new years display has rocketed and increases every year. Last years display was spectacular too with what many called the best show yet in London (Full show), The best places to view the fireworks are cordoned off for only those who have tickets for the event, … [Read more...] about New Years Eve In Britain 2015/16
new years eve 2015
New Year Deliveries
Planning on ordering some fireworks for News Years Eve? Well bare in mind the weather! On average the UK gets 23.7 days of snow a year, with the majority of that falling on higher ground where the temperatures drop much lower than in towns and cities. In Scotland, figures are much higher, with snow falling, on average, 38.1 days a year. The place in the UK which has the … [Read more...] about New Year Deliveries