In recent years the UK firework market has seen several brands imported by European companies with unusual names and Llaroofpi Fireworks is certainly no exception to this (pronounced Laa Roof Pee).
As with practically all the fireworks available in the UK (despite who is importing them) the Llaroofpi brand are being manufactured in China. So what you may ask is going to be different about these fireworks compared to all the others currently available; well for the first time we now have a range of fireworks that are going to be be guaranteed 100% to work.
I’m sure all of us in the past have experienced a firework that fails to work. Now if that is just a small firework from a small assorted box we tend to accept that as being something that just happens but with larger multi-shot fireworks costing £100 each or more it is very frustrating when a firework of that size and cost stops after just one shot or even fails to work at all.
So how are Llaroofpi Fireworks going to ensure that all of their fireworks work? The answer is in fact quite simple and to be honest it is surprising that no one has thought of this before as no advances in firework technology have been required. Llaroofpi Fireworks will as normal conduct normal batch testing on their fireworks in China and will then deliver them to Europe. Any initial problems with batches will then have already been sorted but that does not take care of the odd firework that just fails to work. Therefore prior to the customer taking delivery of their order we will let off every one of their fireworks to ensure that they all work and in the unlikely event that a firework does fail to work we will immediately get a replacement firework and let that off as well. Therefore the customer can order any of the Llaroofpi brand fireworks in the certainty that they all work.
So this year make sure you order Llaroofpi Fireworks, you’d be a fool not to.